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Develop commercial proposals from requirements to proposal writing. Collaborate on initiatives and build a financial model that aims for profit.
Proposal Builder
Develop commercial proposals from requirements to proposal writing. Collaborate on initiatives and build a financial model that aims for profit.
Open Proposal Builder
Council Contracts
Analyse council contracts across the United Kingdom.
Open Council Contracts
Site Safety & Security

Manage visitors with easy registration and self-service. Monitor who is checked in and ensure a more secure location.
Visitor Manager
Manage visitors with easy registration and self-service. Monitor who is checked in and ensure a more secure location.
Open Visitor Manager

Automatically allocate vehicles to schedules for a smooth daily run-out. Also includes daily inspections logging and driver self-service.
Depot Manager
Automatically allocate vehicles to schedules for a smooth daily run-out. Also includes daily inspections logging and driver self-service.
Open Depot Manager