Visitor Manager

For a safe, secure and compliant visitor experience.

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Add your site now for free!

Use the software now to see how it can help your business. All without any commitment.

Pre-Register Guests

Schedule guests to send them details and complete their compliance questions for a smooth and professional check-in experience.

Easy Photo Capture

Take photos easily using a smartphone, tablet or webcam. With automatic face to detection for consistent framing.


Ensure members and guests agree to legal requirements, know what to do in an evacuation, and capture other information.

Lone Worker Monitoring

Enable lone working monitoring to ensure that select guests and members are periodically monitored.

Mobile Web App

Support guests through their entire visit with information tailored for them. Support members to ensure a safe and secure environment for their guests.

Reception Mode

Share your guest information with another site so that they can check them in. Perfect for when a single reception support multiple workplaces.

Plus Subscription & Pricing

Not every user needs a Plus subscription! In fact all functionality is available to all users without a subscription. This makes it easy to get familiar with the software before purchasing. For non-subscribed users, some limits are implemented such as the number of members per site. Please see the Plus Subscriptions page for more information.