Visitor Manager supports Lone Worker monitoring. Each guest or member marked as a lone worker will need to be marked as safe periodically. If a lone worker hasn't been marked safe for a set period of time, a notification is shown. A countdown timer will be visible on the main website and mobile application.
Setting Up
To enable lone working, open Settings and open the Lone Working section to view the options available.
Enable Lone Working Monitoring - Turn on the switch to enable lone worker monitoring features, this can be turned on and off at any time.
Allow to mark self as safe - With this enabled, members and guests will be able to press a button on their mobile app page to mark themselves as safe. This will reset the the countdown timer for the lone worker.
Allow any member to mark as safe - With this enabled, any member of the site will be able to mark a lone worker as safe on their mobile app. Note that hosts of guests will always be able to mark as safe. This will reset the the countdown timer for the lone worker.
Minutes Between Checks - This number settings defines the number of minutes before a lone worker notification is triggered. For example, type 180 for three hours. The default is 60 minutes (one hour).
Once these above options have been configured, lone workers may be added.
Adding/Removing Lone Workers
Lone workers are set on their registration, not their account. Therefore, each time a person is pre-registered or checked in, the lone worker setting can be set. The lone worker setting can be added or removed at any time.